CRB support service
Credit Reference Bureau is a company licensed to collect,manage and disseminate customer
credit information.CRB collects the customer credit information from all lenders including
commercial banks,deposit taking microfinance and most recently Sacco.
CRB will then manage the collected information by regularly updating customers credit scores
per their transactions with various financial institutions.When a lender wants to know a
borrower’s Credit status,CRB will disseminate the report to help in lender’s decision making
towards the borrower.
In Kenya,Central Bank (CBK) licensed three Credit Reference Bureaus to collect,manage and
disseminate Kenyans Credit information.
These include;Metropol,Creditinfo and Credit Reference Bureau Africa (CRB AFRICA) also
known as Transunion Africa.
For customers who many have CRB issues that are becoming a hindrance to them in accessing
loans, KHOPESHA assist them to identify institutions that do not necessarily put a lot of weight in
their risk profiling on CRB listing.We even go further to negotiate on behalf of our clients on
items that may have made them be listed.